1.4 Presence by Areas of Activity

Installed capacity and output by country and technology

Installed capacity (MW)1 Spain United Kingdom United States Brazil Mexico Other countries Total
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
Renewables 15,821 15,789 2,666 2,100 6,625 6,713 2,629 2,935 410 679 961 961 29,113 29,177
Onshore wind 5,752 5,770 1,906 1,906 6,387 6,466 516 516 367 409 605 605 15,533 15,671
Offshore wind 194 194 350 350 544 544
Hydroelectric 9,715 9,715 566 0 118 118 2,113 2,419 12,513 12,252
Mini-hydro 303 303 303 303
Solar and others 50 0 119 129 43 270 6 6 219 406
Nuclear 3,177 3,177 3,177 3,177
Combined cycle 5,695 5,695 2,000 0 212 212 533 533 5,546 5,546 13,985 12,885
Cogeneration 368 353 1 0 636 636 294 346 1,299 1,335
Coal 874 874 874 874
Total 25,934 25,887 4,666 2,100 7,472 7,561 3,162 3,467 6,250 7,471 961 961 48,447 47,448
Electricity production (GWh)1 Spain United Kingdom United States Brazil Mexico Other countries Total
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
Renewables 19,587 25,973 4,880 5,145 15,739 17,261 8,196 10,099 963 1,095 1,382 2,180 50,747 61,754
Onshore wind 11,216 11,654 3,358 3,812 15,103 16,650 1,865 2,120 963 1,084 1,373 1,284 33,878 36,605
Offshore wind 820 755 0 887 821 1.642
Hydroelectric 7,903 13,590 702 578 386 269 6.330 7.979 15,321 22,416
Mini-hydro 394 670 394 670
Solar and others 74 58 250 342 0 12 9 9 333 421
Nuclear 23,254 23,536 23,254 23,536
Combined cycle 3,812 4,092 7,259 5,530 12 8 3,956 3,553 39,013 37,470 54,053 50,654
Cogeneration 2,608 2,472 0 - 2,354 2,713 91 0 1,801 2,831 6,853 8,016
Coal 2,642 1,637 2,642 1,637
Total 51,903 57,711 12,140 10,675 18,105 19,983 12,242 13,652 41,777 41,396 1,382 2,180 137,549 145,597

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(1) IFRS 11 is not being applied for operational purposes.