Iberdrola, S.A. Board of Directors
An independent and pluralistic body leading the Group's strategy
As provided in the Board of Directors’ Regulations, the Board of Directors of Iberdrola, S.A. has the broadest powers and powers to manage and represent the Company.
In particular, it focuses its activities on the approval of strategic goals with projection at the Group level, on the definition of its organisational model, and on the supervision of compliance therewith and the development thereof. It also designs, evaluates and permanently reviews the Governance and Sustainability System. Discover the composition of the Board of Directors of Iberdrola, S.A. and how it works.
How is the Board of Directors organised?
The Board of Directors of Iberdrola, S.A. generally entrusts the functions of supervision, organisation, and strategic coordination with projection at the Group level to its executive chairman, chief executive officer, and management team, who disseminate, implement, and monitor the general strategy and the basic guidelines for the management thereof established by such body.
In addition, the Company’s Board of Directors has set up an Executive Committee and four consultative committees: the Audit and Risk Supervision Committee, the Appointments Committee, the Remuneration Committee, and the Sustainable Development Committee.
As a further example of Iberdrola, S.A.'s ongoing transparency with its shareholders and the markets, the Company publishes, on an annual basis, a comprehensive report detailing its work during the prior financial year, which shall be included in an Activities Report of the Board of Directors and of the Committees thereof [PDF], or as part of one or more other reports prepared by the Company.
Activity of the Board of Directors in 2023

9 meetings
with an average percentage of attendance of the members close to 98%

Evaluation and achievements
- Monitoring of macroeconomic risks and regulatory changes in the energy sector
- Supervising various corporate transactions and strategic alliances
- Supervising the implementation of the pillars of the Company’s Strategic Plan 2024-2026
- Amendment of the Governance and Sustainability System: reinforcement of the Compliance System and of the shareholders' engagement
- Recognition as “Best Board of Director” by Institutional Investor Research Group

- Balanced growth
- Sustainable remuneration of shareholders
- ESG+F Strategy
- Ethics and compliance
- Financial strength
- Risk control

Challenges for 2024
- Monitoring of the Strategic Plan 2023-2025
- Holding of Capital Markets & ESG Day
- Impact analysis of the geopolitical situation on the Group
- Monitoring of the implementation of the Climate Action Plan
- Continuous updating of the composition of the Board of Directors
- New Director Remuneration Policy
We comply with the guidelines for the election of our directors in accordance with our Boards of Directors Diversity and Member Selection Policy.
Information extracted from the Activities Report of the Board of Directors and of the Committees thereof / 2023.
Board of Directors Structure
The following chart shows the proportion of the different types of directors inside the Board of Directors and its consultative commissions:

In accordance with the Boards of Directors Diversity and Member Selection Policy, the selection of candidates for Board directorship is based on a prior analysis of needs, in order to guarantee the diversity of skills, knowledge, experience, origins, nationalities, age and gender in its composition and, in particular, to avoid any type of bias that might hinder the appointment of female directors.
The current composition of the Board of Directors of Iberdrola, S.A. is balanced, made up of an ample majority of independent directors, with highly qualified and professional experience, and reflects a clear commitment to such diversity.
All members of the Board of Directors are external directors except the Chairman, Mr. José Ignacio Sánchez Galán, and the CEO, Mr. Armando Martínez Martínez, who are classified as executive directors.
In addition, the Board of Directors has a first vice-chairman, Mr. Juan Manuel González Serna —who also chairs the Remuneration Committee—, a second vice-chairman, Mr. Anthony L. Gardner, and a coordinating director, Mr. Ángel Jesús Acebes Paniagua, with the powers provided for in the Regulations of the Board of Directors [PDF]—who also chairs the Appointments Committee—, all of them qualified as independent directors.
Iberdrola, S.A. Board of Directors Profile in 2023
- Executive directors
- External directors
- Non-independent external directors
- Independent directors
Seniority of directors
- > 10 years
- 6 - 10 years
- 0 - 5 years
Gender diversity

- 43 % Women
- 57 % Men
United Kingdom
Profile and skills of the directors
Academic background
- Economic and business sciences
- Law
- Humanities
- Engineering
Information extracted from the Activities Report of the Board of Directors and of the Committees thereof / 2023.
The positions of counsel to the Board of Directors and of secretaries of each of the consultative committees thereof, are held by well-respected outside lawyers, which ensures their independence and enriches debate and the exchange of viewpoints at the meetings of the Board of Directors and its committees.
The members of the Board of Directors are classified as executives, independents and other externals according to the definitions established in the Spanish Companies Act (Ley de Sociedades de Capital).
Ignacio Galán, Executive Chairman of Iberdrola
Ignacio Sánchez Galán is Executive Chairman of Iberdrola and of the Group's subholding companies in the United Kingdom (ScottishPower), the United States (Avangrid) and Brazil (Neoenergia).
Activities Report of the Board of Directors and of the committees thereof 2023 [PDF]
All information in PDF regarding the composition, operation, and main actions of Iberdrola, S.A.'s governing bodies during the last financial year.