Excellent process and resource management
Quality in Iberdrola Group is the outstanding management of all processes and resources as an indispensable tool in the creation of value for people: shareholders, customers, employees, and the other Stakeholders of the society.
Our strategic guidelines
Customer satisfaction
Operational excellence
Management systems
Stakeholder orientation
Our strategic quality guidelines are focused on four main pillars:
- Customer satisfaction.
- Operational excellence.
- Management systems.
- Stakeholder orientation.
Quality is one of the values of Iberdrola and both the mission and the vision and the strategic plan of the company are taken into account in the development and review of the Quality Policy, which is approved by the Board of Directors.
Goals and results
The quality model of Iberdrola is part of the governance model of the Company, established through a global quality management system that coordinates and oversees quality management systems of Iberdrola organizations to take advantage of synergies with the aim of an alignment with the Quality Policy and Guidelines.
Quality Guidelines (Spanish version) [PDF] External link, opens in new window. are strategic lines, documented and consistent with the Policy and Strategic Plan which include a commitment to continuous improvement and are displayed on quality objectives and action plans in Iberdrola organizations. For proper supervision in the guidelines compliance, Iberdrola has a global control panel which periodically monitors the evolution of the objectives and action plans in the different organizations.
Reflecting the leadership and strong commitment to quality of the Iberdrola Group, significant quality certifications have been achieved recently in key areas of the company and important improvement projects have been promoted:
- The outstanding achievement of the new ISO 9001 quality certification for the services provided by the Corporate Safety Division at Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant in line with the criticality of the installation and the services provided as critical infrastructure. Likewise, at the corporate level with the reinforcement that the Quality Certifications at the Corporate Divisions contribute to our company's Governance System in the main countries where we operate and in the areas of Administration, Purchasing, Legal Services, Internal Audit, Systems, Safety, Equity and General Services, which reinforces our leadership in terms of quality amongst the companies in the sector.
- The in-depth analysis of Stakeholders, context and associated risks in accordance with the requirements of the new version of standard ISO 9001 at an international level.
- Our Networks business, with the new certification of system development management processes for managing activities at supply points, remote metering process and service to retailers. The launch of the STAR+ project was also important to this business, which meant continuing with network digitalisation and improving the usefulness of equipment rolled out during the STAR project, renewing 99.9% of its meters.
- In our Liberalised business through certification in the new version of standard ISO 9001 for electricity and gas retailing processes in the liberalised market as well as other products and services of added value for customers.
- Quality Management System Global Certificate ISO-9001 (Spanish version) [PDF]
- External link, opens in new window.
- Environmental Management Certificate ISO-14001 (Spanish version) [PDF] External link, opens in new window.
- Occupational Health & Safety Management System Certificate ISO-45001 [PDF]
- In the following link you can access the ISO-45001 certificates for the companies of the Iberdrola Group
- Certificate of Conformity Sustainable Procurement Strategy ISO 20400:2017 [PDF]
- Certification of Emergency Protocols PAA-2021/0001 [PDF]
Certifications organizations:
AENOR, Association for Standardization and Certification is a certification body accredited in Spain by the ENAC, or National Certification Accreditation Body, with the number 01/C-SC003. AENOR is a member of the IQNet Network, the International Certification Network, whose members operate in accordance with the EN 45012 European standard. With regard to occupational health and safety, it is an accredited auditing entity to carry out both regulatory audits (R.D. 39/1997) and the certification of occupational risk prevention management systems in accordance with the ISO 45001 standard.
IQNet is a network of certification organizations, comprised of the main organizations in 25 countries, among which exist mutual recognition agreements for the validity of the certificates issued by each of them in the 25 countries.
Certifications in the area of quality
Iberdrola Usa Networks is awarded ISO 9001:2008 certification
The Administration Division of ScottishPower is awarded the ISO 9001 quality certification
Awards in the area of quality
Iberdrola Mexico received the Global Performance Excellence Award (GPEA) 2020, awarded by the Asia-Pacific Organisation for Excellence, in recognition of its business management
In 2020, for the second consecutive year, Neoenergia's distributors Celpe (PE), Coelba (BA), Cosern (RN) and Elektro (SP/MS) won the SA Customer Award. The companies were recognised with the case: Customer Experience Centre
Iberdrola received in 2018 the National Quality Award for Energy in Mexico, as well as the Ibero-American Quality Award in 2019
Iberdrola attained the CRC Award for Excellence in Customer Service conferred by the Spanish Association of Customer Relations Experts (AEERC)
Elektro has received the Ibero-American Quality Award for the second consecutive time
Elektro has been awarded with the Ibero-American Award for quality 2016External link, opens in new window. , with Gold category, given by Fundación Iberoamericana for quality management (Fundibeq)
Iberdrola recibe el reconocimiento de AENOR para dos parques eólicos (Spanish version)
Iberdrola, Príncipe Felipe Award of business competiveness in Large Corporation Category
External link, opens in new window. utilities in Maine and New York have been named Utility Customer Champions by Market Strategies International in the 2016 Utility Trusted Brand & Customer Engagement study of residential customers by Cogent Reports
Iberdrola obtains first AENOR Corporate Environmental Footprint certificate according to international technical specifications ISO/TS 14072

Corporate purpose and values
A model that prioritizes the people and the planet.

We promote responsible management
We integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.