Bids and tenders
IBuy, Iberdrola's new purchasing platform
In order to participate in Iberdrola group tenders you will have to be invited, via email, to create an account in SAP-ARIBA Network and link the account to the Iberdrola site called IBUY.

- If you already have an account in SAP-ARIBA Network you can log in with your account and link it to the IBUY (Iberdrola) site.
- Registration in SAP-ARIBA Network is free for Iberdrola suppliers.
In this user guide and video we show you how to do it:

How do I register in Ariba Network and IBERDROLA IBUY?
IBuy user guides
In order to become familiar with this platform as soon as possible, here you have user guides and videos.

What's in my account? What can I manage?
Supplier account overview [PDF]
If you need help with users, passwords or changing your account administrator, you can contact the ARIBA Help Center and open an incident. The following document is a guide about how to do this.
Help centre for supplier accounts (Spanish version) [PDF]

How do I respond to an 'event' (request for quotation)?

How do I respond to a 'collaboration request' (request for quotation)?
If after reviewing these guides and videos you still have doubts about the SAP-ARIBA Network registration process or tender management, you can contact the Supplier Service Center (+34 917 84 29 15)
Not yet registered as an Iberdrola supplier? Check our section Do you want to become a supplier? where you will find all the information for the registration of new suppliers.