Notifications sent to CNMV
On this page, you can find the notices of information sent by the Company to the National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) (CNMV) to immediately make public and disseminate relevant information to the market. Notices of information are classified as inside information or other relevant information.
Inside information is of a precise, non-public nature, referring to an issuer or financial instrument which, if made public, could have a significant effect on the price, whereas information is classified as other relevant information does not affect the price.
- Inside Information | Corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and other 02/08/2024 Acquisition of an interest of approximately 88% in Electricity North West Limited – analysts presentation
- Inside Information | Corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and other 02/08/2024 Agreement for the acquisition of an interest of approximately 88% in Electricity North West.
- Inside Information | Corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and other 17/05/2024 Announcement of the merger agreement in relation to the acquisition of all of the shares of common stock of Avangrid not owned by Iberdrola.
- Inside Information | Corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and other 17/05/2024 Information about the potential acquisition of all of the shares of common stock of Avangrid not owned by Iberdrola.
- Inside Information | Strategic plans and forecasts 21/03/2024 Closing Remarks
- Inside Information | Strategic plans and forecasts 21/03/2024 Financial Management
- Inside Information | Strategic plans and forecasts 21/03/2024 Strategic Vision. (Notification modified by communication number 2173 dated 21/03/2024 (08:59)
- Inside Information | Strategic plans and forecasts 21/03/2024 Business Environment
All previous Notifications of Inside Information correspond exactly with the information sent to the CNMV and are available for review on the CNMV website External link, opens in new window.