26.05.2020Green recovery for the new prosperity
In an article in the La Vanguardia daily newspaper for Tuesday 26 May, the chairman of Iberdrola group, Ignacio Galán, declares his conviction that “the return to activity is an essential prescription for mitigating the consequences of the coronavirus on the economy and on jobs”. To achieve this, he adds, it is necessary to “overcome dichotomies that come between businesses and people”.
In a post-coronavirus context in which all our neighbouring countries will adopt similar measures, Galán advocates creating “an attractive legislative and regulatory framework” to draw investment into our country.
Galán acknowledges the draft Climate Change bill approved by the Spanish government, which paves the way towards climate neutrality by 2050, as well as the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) sent to Brussels, which — thanks to investments of €240bn — forecasts the creation of 350,000 net jobs in the run up to 2030. But he wants it brought forward.
Let's be courageous and speed up its implementation to create mass, forward-looking employment from today
The chairman extols the “balanced combination of the interests of shareholders, employees and the general public” that operates in Iberdrola. He also recalls the group investments, which this year will reach €10bn for the first time, as well as the hiring by 2020 of 5,000 new professionals, and the advance orders placed with suppliers to support the 400,000 jobs that the group's activity sustains.
For Galán, “the new normal also has to be the time for a new economic model that is more sustainable, fairer and more inclusive, so that no-one is left behind”. “The green recovery”, he adds, “is a great opportunity not just to lead a time of changes, but to bring about a real change of era”.