

Iberdrola is the best ESG reporting utility in the world

  • The electricity company has been recognised by the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP), which also ranks it as the first company in Europe.
  • Ignacio Galán's letter, which accompanies the Integrated Annual Report and ESG Information 2022, has been awarded the distinction of "Best Letter to Shareholders Worldwide".

Iberdrola is the best utility in the world in ESG (environmental, social and governance) information disclosure, and the first company in Europe in the Print-Based Alternative Reports category of the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) world ranking.

LACP has evaluated nearly 1,000 annual reports (including those in digital format) from companies in numerous sectors and from more than twenty countries around the world. Iberdrola has been ranked as the world's leading utility and has achieved for the second consecutive year the Platinum award, with a score of 99 out of 100, for its digital space "Annual Integrated Annual Report and ESG Information 2022". 

In this call, special mention should be made of the letter from the Executive Chairman, Ignacio Galán, which was awarded the distinction of "Best Letter to Shareholders Worldwide".

This ranking has valued the accessibility and transparency of ESG information to all stakeholders through this digital space, which has continued in the spirit of bringing together in a single area all the company's non-financial information for the year.

In addition, LACP has taken into account the effort to digitalise ESG information, in an expanded form and with infographic material, which complies with numerous recognised reporting standards (GRI, SASB, IIRC, B4SI, Global Compact, etc.). 

For the second consecutive year, after its launch in 2021, Iberdrola has published the aforementioned microsite in keeping with its commitment to transparency and communication dissemination. This includes all relevant information on its ESG performance and the main associated financial metrics. 

Iberdrola's digital space dedicated to ESG has established itself as an innovative tool that promotes the company's well-known commitment to transparency and maintains its leadership in this area. It brings information in this area closer to stakeholders through a modern, digital and accessible format.