
After negotiations with unions, the workforce will benefit from additional flexibility measures in July, August and September


Iberdrola is offering extended work-life balance measures to streamline the reopening on 1 July

  • The company managed to test the entire workforce in Spain in a month and a half

Iberdrola is working towards a return to normality as of 1 July, with all staff in Spain coming back to work. However, it is not expecting 100 % of the workforce to be in the office until September/October, because many will take holidays in the summer months (30 % in July and September and up to 50 % in August).

The return - in line with the characteristics of its operations and the green recovery measures driven by the company (record investments, orders with suppliers, continuity of renewable plans and networks) - includes gradually opening up common spaces and services in offices, as well as closing the 'mirror' centres set up during the crisis as part of a plan consisting of more than 100 measures to keep essential services running smoothly.   

This decision to resume normality comes after having conducted COVID-19 tests on the company’s entire staff in Spain: a total of 8,779 employees, in record time, just a month and a half.

During negotiations with the unions, the company agreed to additional flexibility measures for July, August and September, enabling workers to benefit from flexible work hours, availability of time to make arrangements and care for children and seniors (paid leave of absence and extended unpaid leave), etc.

Since 11 May, Iberdrola has been developing a staggered back-to-the-office plan, continuing with rotational working from home for more than 70 % of the workforce, as well as other measures: ensuring physical distancing; providing masks and other protective elements for employees; temporary closure of common areas (dining rooms, cafeterias, etc.), installation of screens at customer service desks and more.