03.06.2021Ignacio Galán attends a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Elcano Institute, presided over by his Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain
The chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, took part in a Board of Trustees meeting of the Elcano Royal Institute, an organisation under the honorary presidency of H. M. King Felipe VI. The event was attended by other political office-holders and leaders of private enterprises that sit on the Board of Trustees.
The Elcano Royal Institute is one of Europe's top think tanks, focused on foreign policy and strategy. It is a high-level forum for debating and reaching a consensus on the major global issues affecting society.
Created in 2001, the Elcano Royal Institute’s organisational structure balances public and private interests and fosters the exchange of ideas in a plural and independent environment, accommodating diverse political and social outlooks.