
Strengthening its leadership in clean energy in the community -where it operates over 5,100 MW of energy- and in large projects


Iberdrola applies for regulatory approval for 500 new green MW in Castilla y León

  • Salamanca becomes the province in the region with the greatest number of renewable projects in the pipeline for the company, with a new photovoltaic plant and a new wind farm representing an investment of around 400 million euros · Their construction will involve up to 1,100 workers
  • The company will develop more than 2,400 renewable MW -wind and photovoltaic- in the coming years in the region, to which it will allocate investments of 2 billion euros

Iberdrola continues to lead the implementation of high-capacity renewable projects, by starting the regulatory approval process for 500 new green megawatts (MW) in Castilla y León, at the Villarino photovoltaic power plant, with an installed capacity of 200 MW, and the Villarino wind farm, with 300 MW. Along with the 50-MW photovoltaic plant already in the process of obtaining an Environmental Impact Statement in Villarino de los Aires and another with a 318-MW capacity in Ciudad Rodrigo, this makes Salamanca the province in the region with the most renewable projects in the pipeline being developed by the company.

The Villarino photovoltaic power plant will be built in the municipalities of Ahigal de Villarino, Sanchón de la Ribera and Brincones, and the wind farm in Villarino de los Aires, Trabanca, Ahigal de Villarino, Almendra, El Manzano, Iruelos, Puertas and Villar de Samaniego, in the province of Salamanca, and will represent an investment of close to 400 million euros.

The construction will involve a large number of local industrial suppliers and up to 1,100 local workers in peak work periods.

Once operational, this plant will generate enough clean energy to supply a population equivalent to 290,000 homes and will prevent the emission of 182,000 t CO2/year into the atmosphere.

A world leader in clean energy in Castilla y León

The new plants will enable Iberdrola to reinforce its renewable leadership in Castilla y León, where it already manages more than 5,100 MW -hydraulic and wind-, making this autonomous community the region with the most 'green' megawatts installed by the company.

The company is building three wind farms in Herrera -comprising the most powerful wind turbines installed in Spain- and is also promoting the Buniel wind complex in Burgos, in collaboration with Caja Rural de Soria, and the Valdemoro park, which make their 164 MW of installed power one of the largest by the company and in the country.

The company's photovoltaic commitment in the region is completed with the application for regulatorary approval for a further 1,000 MW, distributed between Segovia, Burgos and Palencia, which includes the photovoltaic plants in Velilla (400 MW), Otero (505 MW), Revilla Vallejera and Ballestas.

In the coming years, Iberdrola will develop more than 2,400 MW in renewable projects in the community -wind and photovoltaic-, for which it will allocate investments of around 2 billion euros. This volume of resources will invigorate the industrial fabric and generate employment for 24,000 people, according to the estimates established in the NEPC.

Green investments to promote economic recovery and employment

Iberdrola is convinced that the energy transition can act as a key promoter in the transformation of the industrial fabric and in the green recovery of the economy and employment. To this end, the company has launched a historic investment plan worth 75 billion euros for the period 2020-2025, with the aim of doubling its renewable capacity and taking advantage of the opportunities of the energy revolution facing the main economies worldwide.

Investment in Spain for the period amount to around 14.3 billion euros and half - more than 7 billion euros - will go to the development of new renewable projects, while more than 4.5 billion will be aimed at strengthening and continuing to digitise its electricity networks.

After twenty years promoting energy transition, Iberdrola is the leader in renewable energy in our country, with an installed capacity of more than 16,700 renewable MW as of September 2020; a volume that rises to more than 33,000 MW globally, making its production network one of the cleanest in the energy sector.

With CO2/kWh emissions that are already two-thirds lower than the European average, the investment strategy in clean energy and networks will lead Iberdrola to be a “carbon neutral” company in Europe by 2030.

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