
The offices and staff are equipped with all the protection measures required for ensuring safety and interpersonal distancing


Iberdrola's 500 + customer service points in Spain are reopening

  • Almost 300 are already operating normally and a further 200 will be opening their doors to the public over the next few days. They are all operating with a limited capacity policy and in those areas still in phase 0 of de-escalation a previously arranged appointment will be necessary

This week has seen the start of the reopening of Iberdrola's customer service points in Spain, which is where a good many of the company’s more than 10 million customers, be they domestic, SME or corporate, can go to receive face-to-face attention. The services provided by these offices were suspended when the state of emergency was declared. However, as of Monday almost 300 of them have restarted their face-to-face activity and are now operating normally while more than 200 will be doing so within a few days. Over the past two months the company has strengthened the services it provides via its digital and phone channels in order to continue advising its customers and attending to their needs.

The customer service points in every one of Spain’s autonomous regions have been equipped with all the hygiene and protection measures, including the installation of signage and plexiglass screens to ensure public safety and two metres of interpersonal distancing. Likewise, all members of staff will wear personal protection equipment (PPE).

Furthermore, the offices have adopted a limited capacity policy. In those areas of the country still in phase 0 of the de-escalation process appointments will have to be previously arranged. This is not the case in all the other regions, with customers being able to receive attention throughout business hours.

The locations and details of these offices can be found on Iberdrola's customer website

Helping our customers tackle the crisis

Over the last two months Iberdrola has taken over 100 measures aimed at keeping its services available to its 100 million + customers worldwide. These include the provision of essential health materials, strengthening the vital infrastructures of the energy supply system and meeting the needs of its most vulnerable customers.

The company, which had already suspended power supply cuts due to unpaid bills prior to the declaration of the state of emergency, launched an initiative that makes it easier for its more than 10 million customers in Spain, be they domestic, self-employed or SMEs to pay their electricity, gas and other energy supply bills. This has flexibilised bill payment by enabling partial payments over up to 12 months and free of charge.

This plan has been complemented with other actions. One of these targets the company's two million customers over the age of 65, who are being provided with a free electrical emergencies service throughout the state of emergency. Iberdrola has likewise implemented an advisory plan designed to help its customers to adapt their rate to the new ways in which they are consuming energy during the current situation and has enhanced its digital and phone channels.