

Iberdrola donates Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau's painting "El Regreso" (The Return) to the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (Higher Centre for National Defence Studies)

  • The Chairman of the electricity company, Ignacio Galán, attended the act of donation of the work of art and highlighted the company's commitment to the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional. 
  • Galán stresses that the electricity company has been working closely with the Armed Forces for years.

From today, the main hall of the Higher Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN) is displaying the work of the painter Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, a specialist in historical battles, "El Regreso" (The Return). The hyperrealist painting, which narrates one of the most important events of the Spanish army, was unveiled by the painter himself and by the chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, who donated the painting to the institution. 

Iberdrola, as an innovative and global company, is also proud of its tradition and maintains a clear objective of public service to the Spanish people. And this afternoon it demonstrated this at an event at CESEDEN, in which the Chairman of Europe's largest electricity company, Ignacio Galán, unveiled the painting "El Regreso" (The Return) by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau. Iberdrola has thus donated this work of art to the main joint military educational centre of the Spanish Armed Forces.

In the presence of Lieutenant General Francisco de Paula Bisbal Pons, Director of CESEDEN, Admiral General Teodoro Esteban López Calderón, Chief of Defence Staff (JEMAD), and the author of the painting, Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, Ignacio Galán stressed that Iberdrola is an innovative and global company that shares with the Armed Forces values such as a sense of duty, solidarity and the constant search for excellence. 

Galán also reiterated Iberdrola's vocation of service and commitment to citizens and highlighted the fact that the electricity company has been working closely with the Armed Forces for years, with a multitude of initiatives for the exchange of knowledge and best practices. In this regard, the Chairman of Iberdrola gave as an example that the company and the Military Emergency Unit provide mutual technical and logistical support and carry out training activities and emergency drills. 

The Chairman of Iberdrola said that he was proud to donate to CESEDEN the painting "The Return" by the great painter Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, a work that combines unquestionable artistic value with a vindication of the greatness of Spanish history. Ignacio Galán added that the painting depicts Spain's support for the independence of the United States of America, a fact that Iberdrola has always tried to highlight.

Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, master of historical painting, received words of thanks from the president of Iberdrola, who pointed out that the painter has managed to convey, always with honesty and realism, the images of a long and brilliant military past, both in victory and defeat.

In the past, Iberdrola has promoted, for example, the exhibition "Bernardo de Gálvez and the presence of Spain in Mexico and the United States", which highlighted the career of one of the most brilliant military men the Spanish army has ever had, and the exhibition "Memory Regained", which His Majesty the King visited in person in New Orleans.

In March 2021, the Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, and the Chief of Defence Staff (JEMAD), Admiral General Teodoro Esteban López Calderón, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of developing research and training programmes in different areas of interest to both parties.

The agreement ratified the commitment of both entities to consolidate public-private R&D&I schemes that enable the exchange of knowledge, provide institutions with new tools to improve the performance of their duties and enhance the competitiveness of companies. This agreement includes the financing of training activities, such as doctorates and master's degrees, as well as the implementation of new technologies to develop e-learning in the Armed Forces.