

Iberdrola, in the ‘top 10’ in the Global Clean Energy Index

Iberdrola remains in the ‘top 10’ of credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global Clean Energy Index, which is deemed as the number one sustainability benchmark. In fact, this index is used by numerous funds when drawing up their investment portfolios.

This ranking is designed to measure the performance of companies with business activities related to clean energy in developed and emerging markets.

In its latest edition, S&P explains that it has reviewed the criteria “to improve the diversification of the index, enhance transparency, further reduce the index's carbon footprint and bring the methodology into line with market trends and sustainable investment standards”. This has resulted in companies such as ENEL, Nextera and the Spanish group Audax Renovables being excluded from the list due to their failure to fulfil certain parameters.

Iberdrola's continued presence in this index is proof of the relevance of our companies commitment to renewable energies and sustainability. Our Group has incorporated the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its corporate strategy and sustainability policy, and it is a benchmark for its direct contribution to these global goals, particularly in its contributions in the field of energy and climate change.

This rating forms part of the indices prepared by S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Index, the largest worldwide resource for essential index-based issues, data and research and the principal administrator of basic financial market indicators such as the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

It is worth stressing that Iberdrola is the only European utility company included in all 21 editions of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index due to its strong commitment to sustainability and in recognition of its strategy, which is successfully responding to the main economic, environmental and social challenges faced by international energy policy.

Added to this is the Iberdrola Group's presence in the main international sustainability indexes such as FTSE4Good, MSCI, Sustainalytics, ISS-oekom, Bloomberg GEI, Euronext Vigeo Eiris índices, Global100, EcoVadis, among others.

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