Personal Passwords - 2024 General Shareholders' Meeting

Request for personal passwords to participate in the Meeting

General Shareholders' Meeting

In its process of digital transformation, Iberdrola makes available to shareholders the use of a personal password system to participate in the Meeting by electronic means, and also to continue connected 365 days a year through the OLS Shareholder's Club interactive system. Individual shareholders who have shares registered in their name in the corresponding book-entry register can receive their passwords immediately, securely and free of charge by e-mail.

Request your personal passwords to participate in the Meeting

Shareholders only need to fill out the request form, including the total number of shares in their name in the book-entry register, adding together those deposited in individual accounts, in any shared account and in those held as legal representative of another individual. After verifying that  they are shareholders, the Company will send them their personal passwords to their e-mail address, and they will be able to start using them immediately.

How to request personal passwords

Image of the steps to request personal keys
Image of the steps to request personal keys

Access the Personal Password Request application for online participation

Shareholders who have already obtained their personal passwords in prior years can use them again at this Meeting, without having to request them again.

What the passwords are used for

The personal passwords are used to verify the identity of the shareholders in the following applications available in the Participation at the Meeting section of this website:



Participation Portal Delegar, votar antes de la Junta y asistir de forma telemática.

Comprobar que las instrucciones de voto han sido correctamente registradas.
Requests for Information Exercise the right to receive information prior to the General Shareholders' Meeting
Electronic Shareholders' Forum Request the publication of the communications provided for by law and the Governance and Sustainability System
OLS Shareholder's Club Receive polls and stay in contact 365 days per year
Return to Participation in the Meeting