
Within the framework of its ‘Smart Mobility’ plan to promote electric mobility


Iberdrola is to install 25,000 e-vehicle charging points in Spain by 2021

  • The company is launching a comprehensive solution which includes charging infrastructure, its installation and guarantee, a tailored supply contract for each customer and the possibility of operating it, easily, remotely, and in real time, through an app for mobile devices
  • It has also designed a specific electricity plan for homes that take advantage of low-cost times at night to charge their batteries which will cut the cost to 50 cents for every 100 kilometres

Iberdrola plans to install a total of 25,000 e-vehicle charging points in Spain by 2021. Most of them - 16,000 - will be installed in homes and the remaining 9,000 in companies that would like to offer this service to their employees or customers. In line with its commitment to promoting sustainable mobility and offering its customers products and services they want when they want them, Iberdrola has launched its new Smart Mobility plan to promote electric mobility.

Smart Mobility is a global comprehensive solution that includes the acquisition of a charging station, its installation and guarantee, the consultation and the possibility of operating it in real time and remotely through a simple app available for all IOS and Android devices (Smart Mobility Hogar app), and a supply contract that is adapted to each customer. 

Iberdrola has also designed a specific electricity plan to charge e-vehicles at the homes that take advantage of the lowest cost times of day (from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m.) to charge the battery for less, cutting the estimated cost to 50 cents for every 100 kilometres. Electric charging has been calculated as being 10 times cheaper than petrol.

Iberdrola is committed to supplying 100% green electricity and has a certificate guaranteeing it is from renewable sources that ensures that this energy comes from clean generation.


Iberdrola, with sustainable mobility

The company promotes electric mobility in line with its commitment to sustainability. The electrification of transportation is an effective way to fight climate change which is why the company has a Sustainable Mobility Plan that involves employees, company, customers, and suppliers through specific actions which aim to promote sustainable mobility.

Iberdrola has also incorporated the United Nations’ Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its business strategy and Sustainability Policy. Iberdrola's investment in electric mobility contributes directly to achieving Goals 13 (action for the climate) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and indirectly to Goals 3 (health and well-being), 8 (decent work and economic growth) and 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure).


Video on Smart Mobility Iberdrola