
2017-10-02 00:00:00.0

As part of the STAR project for installing state-of-the-art electricity grids

Iberdrola has installed over 10 million smart meters in Spain

  • The company is rolling out one of the world's most advanced smart grids in Spain, adding new digitised meters to its infrastructure and systems: now 95% of its customers can enjoy the advantages offered by this modern technology
  • This initiative, which the company is implementing in 10 autonomous regions, is a year ahead of schedule and the total investment will exceed €2 billion
  • This project's main objective is to prepare the grid to provide the services required in the future, with quality and efficiency, contributing to the country's development and the well-being of its citizens

Iberdrola Distribución has exceeded the figure of 10 million digital meters installed and the infrastructure that supports them has been adapted to a smart grid, which means the company has modernised 95% of all its meters in Spain.

Iberdrola has also adapted some 67,000 transformer centres across Spain, incorporating remote management, supervision and automation capabilities.

The STAR project (Grid Remote Management and Automation System) is an ambitious initiative by the company that complements the legal obligation to change meters - with powers of less than or equal to 15 kilowatts, which, in Iberdrola's case, means 10.6 million devices - with an extensive modernisation and digitalisation of the electricity grid, which is preparing this critical infrastructure for the services its customers will require in the future.

This development coincides with Iberdrola's vocation to efficiently provide a quality service to its customers, ensuring its electricity grid is ready for future services and requirements, thus contributing to the growth of the country's economy and the well-being of its citizens.

Using a mobile app or the website customers can consult their daily, weekly and monthly consumption curves, their peak power demand and much more. This data reveals how the electricity consumption is distributed for more efficient use and to be able to decide which rate suits the customer’s profile best. Remote management enables immediate execution of any services the customer requires, such as changes of contracted power, unscheduled meter readings, contract acceptance and cancellation, etc.

The adaptation to a smart grid lets Iberdrola monitor and remotely and automatically control the electricity grid, enabling it to stay ahead of potential incidents and improve the quality of the service it provides to customers. The information available enables the electricity distribution grid to be operated more efficiently, reducing losses and increasing safety.

Iberdrola uses the highest international standards and robust, maximum security encryption algorithms that guarantee the authentication, confidentiality and privacy of every one of its digital devices by means of unique user name and password identification. Furthermore, the digital meters use high-security cryptographic keys, in accordance with internationally established standards in the sector, ensuring data packages leave encrypted and authenticated.

The digitalisation of the grid - providing an infrastructure that carries electricity and data - facilitates the integration of the renewable energy distributed, the management of a grid that is going to be increasingly active, and the future mass integration of electric vehicles. In addition, the information received about the state of grid operation enables optimisation of the necessary investments, improvement of the maintenance work and, in short, increases in operating efficiency.


Iberdrola boosts business sector

The gradual roll-out of smart grids in Spain once again demonstrates Iberdrola's strong pull on the domestic business sector and its positive impact on job creation and maintenance.

The STAR project will require an overall investment by the company in Spain of over €2 billion. It is expected to be completed in the year 2018 and will involve the replacement of over 10.6 million meters and the adaptation of some 80,000 transformer stations

Iberdrola is developing similar projects in the countries where it is active, provided that the appropriate regulatory conditions are met, which will give the companies collaborating in the STAR project access to significant business opportunities.