
2023-04-17 09:12:00.0

We have 700 employees with disabilities, 27% more than three years ago

  • Its workforce of more than 40,000 employees is made up of 89 nationalities from four generations, with women occupying one in four management positions.
  • The company develops, among others, cultural, gender, disability or LGBTIQ+ initiatives, supporting the 2030 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Iberdrola has included its social dividend in its bylaws for more than ten years. In other words, its commitment to the societies in which it has a presence, which has the same consideration as its financial dividend. This commitment is stated in the Diversity and Inclusion Report in which the company reports on the most relevant initiatives implemented throughout 2022. It also sets out the main results for the construction of a fairer and more egalitarian working environment and society.

Such initiatives cover different aspects of diversity, including gender, generational, cultural, disability, LGBTIQ+. All these aspects contribute to the United Nations 2030 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. In the Social area, the objectives cover issues such as the representation of women in relevant positions, beneficiaries in social action programmes, inclusive solutions for customers or purchases from sustainable suppliers. 

The group now employs more than 40,000 people of 89 different nationalities. This figure represents an increase of 24% compared to three years ago. Four different generations coexist in the workforce, 24% of whom are women, occupying 26% of the top positions (directors and heads of department).

Iberdrola has more than 700 employees with disabilities (an increase of 27% in the last three years) and 767 workers located outside their country of origin (19% more than the previous year).

The Board of Directors, the highest administrative and representative body of the company, has 43% female directors, with up to six different nationalities represented.

The company has supported the training and development of more than 150,000 people, two-thirds of them in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) areas. In its commitment to women's empowerment, the company has doubled the number of federations sponsored (from 16 to 32), reaching more than 600,000 sportswomen -two out of every three women members-.

Iberdrola has extended its sustainability policy to suppliers, including, among other aspects, diversity and inclusion. In 2022, the volume awarded to sustainable suppliers represented 91.5% of the total amount. The company has also invested more than €9.3 million in training and social contribution programmes promoted by the foundations, reaching more than 400,000 direct beneficiaries.

Initiatives for vulnerable people

With regard to customers, the company has implemented initiatives for vulnerable or economically disadvantaged people (reduced tariffs and flexible and adapted payment methods, etc.). In addition, it promotes accessibility in customer service (channels aimed at people with disabilities, adaptation of physical customer service points to make them more accessible, services available in different languages, etc.).

The company, in its quest to deepen its commitment to diversity and inclusion, has established strategic alliances with organisations that advocate for it. For example, it supports 'UN Women', the United Nations specialised agency for the promotion of gender equality and is a signatory to the 'Women's Empowerment Principles' (WEP).

All of this activity has been publicly recognised. Iberdrola has been included for the sixth year in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (Bloomberg GEI). The entity recognises the company as a benchmark in terms of equal opportunities between men and women and highlights its transparency. Iberdrola is the only Spanish electricity company included in all editions of this index.

It has also been recognised by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index as the only European utility to be included in its 23rd edition. In the social section, it is worth highlighting the increase in the score for the following aspects: Remuneration by gender and Breakdown of the workforce.