Allies of the SDGS

We are part of the most important international initiative for the fulfillment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals


To coincide with the 4th anniversary of the signature of the Agenda 2030, Iberdrola group has joined the #aliadosdelosODS (Allied with the SDGs) — a movement promoted by the Global Compact Spanish Network — to help to disseminate and raise awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the Agenda 2030.

In 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved the Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. All 193 participating states signed, one of which was Spain. They sent out a united message: "Leaving no one behind".

In order to comply with the ambitious Agenda, it was established that everyone needed to commit: governments, companies, civil society and, of course, the citizens of the world. The strength of the Agenda 2030 lies in the universal nature of the agreement and its ambitious 169 goals. There's no question that achieving them will require an unprecedented effort by all sectors of society; and companies have a pivotal role in this objective.

For the first time, the United Nations recognises business as an essential agent to achieve the global Objectives: "Business activity, investment and private innovation are major drivers of productivity, inclusive economic growth and job creation. We are inviting all companies to utilise innovation and creativity to resolve problems related to sustainable development", the international organisation declared.

Iberdrola's contribution to sustainable development

In 2002, Iberdrola signed the United Nations Global Compact an initiative whose mission is to generate an international movement of sustainable companies to create the world we want. Since the approval of the Agenda 2030 in 2015, as well as committing to driving the ten principles, the company has worked to align its business management with the SDG.

Focused on sustainable development based on principles, Iberdrola is also responsible for making the world a better place.

The SDG are a part of the corporate business strategy and corporate governance system. In line with our activities, we work to supply affordable and clean energy (Goal 7) and on climate action (Goal 13). We also contribute directly to ensuring clean water and sanitation (Goal 6), and we have increased investment in R&D activities (Goal 9), promote respect for the life of terrestrial ecosystems (Goal 15) and work to establish partnerships to achieve the goals (Goal 17).

Committed to the SDGs. Learn more.

To achieve this, the company has established a series of commitments and best practices in line with its strategy:

 'Catch Lord Plastik!'
The recently launched Catch Lord Plastik! initiative, for example, sets out to raise awareness of the problem of plastics and their impact on the environment while proposing ways to reduce their consumption. This initiative is specifically aligned with SDG 13, 14 and 15.

 SDG 7
The Electricity for All program is Iberdrola's response to the appeal of the international community to extend universal access to new energy sources, with environmentally sustainable models that are affordable and socially inclusive. The new program aims to supply electricity to more than 16 million people by 2030.

 SDG 13
At Iberdrola we have set targets to reach carbon neutrality by 2030 for the emissions in our generation plants and own consumption, as well as in all our operations by 2040.

 SDG 6
The company is also an outstanding utility in terms of water productivity (sales/water used).

 SDG 9
Iberdrola has been recognised as the most innovative utility in Spain, the third most in Europe and the fourth in the world with the highest volume of resources allocated to R&D, which reflects the groups commitment to innovation.

 SDG 15
The company participates and funds biodiversity protection programs in the countries in which it operates. Within the next few years, the company is planning to adapt 25,000 electricity pylons to avoid electrocuting birds, a task which will directly improve life of terrestrial ecosystems.

 SDG 17
Finally, the group has subscribed to and takes part in projects and initiatives to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.