
The total provision for this programme comes to 1 million euros


Iberdrola is launching the call for funding applications to its 2019 Social Programme to support vulnerable groups

  • The objective is to promote comprehensive development in groups at risk of exclusion, focusing especially on children, adolescents and women
  • The selected projects, led by non-profit social entities, will help people overcome poverty, promote social insertion and help improve quality of life.

Iberdrola, through its Foundation in Spain, has launched the call for applications to its 2019 Social Programme, which aims to promote the comprehensive development of the most vulnerable groups in the territories in which the company operates, with special attention on children, adolescents and women, by collaborating in social projects.

A committee of experts of the Fundación Iberdrola España selects around 30 social projects that have to be aligned with specific objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations agenda 2030, as part of its business strategy. Specifically, these goals are:

  • Goal no. 1 (no poverty) It will therefore support projects aimed at overcoming poverty and social exclusion, providing access to basic needs, promoting educational support and the enjoyment of leisure and free time, as well as access to employment.
  • Goal number 10 (reduction of inequality), goal number 4 (quality education) and goal number 5 (gender equality). In order to meet these goals, initiatives will be supported that contribute to the personal autonomy and the independence of people with disabilities, mainly by supporting occupational centres that promote comprehensive training processes. This enables specialised training to promote the social skills and lessons required for inclusion in the regular employment market.
  • Goal no. 3 (good health and well-being) Goal 3 (health and well-being), involves working on improving the quality of life of people suffering from serious diseases by meeting their daily needs and providing family support. Special attention is paid to initiatives focusing on people suffering from addiction and to provide children with leisure opportunities. 

This new call has a budget of one million euros and the decisions on the applications will be made in October. It is open to private non-profit institutions that are based and carrying out their activities in Spain, engaged in activities that have been declared to be of public utility, and pursuing aims that are in the public interest. Special consideration will be given to entities that publish relevant information consistent with Iberdrola's principles of transparency, good governance and accountability.

Social entities applying must submit their proposals by 18 June 2018, by means of an online form available from the foundation website (, where they can also consult the terms and conditions of the call for applications.


Iberdrola, supporting society

Iberdrola, through its Social Programme, has already allocated over 8 million euros to social initiatives in Spain that have benefited a total of 270,000 people. Since this plan was launched in 2010, we have promoted over 300 projects that have contributed to social inclusion, especially that of children, young people and women in vulnerable situations.

All these actions, which fall within the framework of Iberdrola's commitment to the creation of value in the regions where it operates, have allowed the creation of 800 jobs and the participation of 2,000 volunteers.

Fundación Iberdrola España also focuses its activities on training and research in the field of energy, through scholarship programmes and grants aimed at young people, biodiversity projects protecting the environment, and cultural development, centred on caring for and maintaining cultural and artistic treasures.