The respect for the environment, flora and fauna or the defense of the nature are essential in fighting climate change. Iberdrola group promotes the biodiversity in ecosystems by supporting the cultural heritage development, apart from encouraging cultural and social awareness in this regard.
According to Greenpeace, our oceans receive 200 kilos of rubbish a second and have floating islands of plastic with an area four times the size of California. This situation, which is so harmful to the health of our planet, has inspired three ingenious initiatives for cleaning up the oceans. Read about them here; they'll definitely surprise you!
Global warming is causing glaciers and ice sheets to melt. The average sea level has risen 3.2 mm/year since 1993. This is catastrophic for islands and coastal regions. Especially in places like Kiribati, an idyllic Pacific atoll nation that seems destined to become the first victim of climate change.
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Climate change is a threat to the future of our planet, but there is still time for us to adapt to it and mitigate its effects. Below, we take a look at the measures being put in place and travel in time to see what the world will look like if we are to halt global warming.
We have inaugurated the Baixo Iguaçu Hydroelectric Plant in Paraná, Brazil, which supplies a million people with renewable energy due to its total installed capacity of 350 MW. This facility actively maintains the water balance and guarantees the force of the famous Iguaçu waterfalls.
Twelve years after publishing his famous book — Frames of Mind (1983) —, in which he defined seven types of intelligence and which earned him the Prince of Asturias Award in 2011, Howard Gardner added an eighth branch to his model: naturalistic intelligence. This type of intelligence allows us to relate to the environment and other species.
Iberdrola Group has completely integrated the conservation of the biological diversity of ecosystems into its strategy. An exhaustive environmental plan is therefore drawn up for all projects for new facilities in order to minimize their impact on flora and fauna. This is reflected in the 2022 Biodiversity Report, which lists the specific actions taken by the company to protect and conserve biodiversity at some of its flagship projects.