
Armando Martínez Martínez

Iberdrola's Chief Executive Officer

He has a degree in industrial engineering from the Universidad de Valladolid and a diploma in company management from the IPADE Business School.

He has spent most of his career in Iberdrola, company he joined in 1997, where he has held positions in the Engineering and Generation divisions, and was general director for the company in Mexico between 2010 and 2014. From 2014 to 2016 he held the position of Director of the Liberalized Business of the Iberdrola Group, until 2021 he was Director of the Networks Business of the Iberdrola Group and thereafter he held the position of Business CEO of the Iberdrola Group.



José Sainz Armada

Iberdrola's Chief Finance, Control and Corporate Development Officer (CFO)

Graduate in Law and Business Administration from the Instituto Católico de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ICADE) at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas in Madrid, and MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau (France).

He has worked with J.P. Morgan, Argentaria Bolsa, Banco de Negocios Argentaria, Argentaria and BBVA.

He joined Iberdrola in 2002 and he is currently, among other positions, chairman of Iberdrola Inmobiliaria, S.A.U and and member of the Boards of Directors of Avangrid**, Inc., ScottishPower Ltd., and Neoenergia, S.A.*



Santiago Martínez Garrido

General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Iberdrola S.A.

He has a degree in law from Universidad Complutense, Doctorate from the Law School at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, and Business degree from Centro Universitario San Pablo CEU. Member of the Government's Legal Service (Cuerpo de Abogados del Estado y Letrados) for the Autonomous Community of Castile and León on voluntary leave.

He has developed his professional career as a Government Lawyer at the High Courts of Justice of Catalonia and of Castile-La Mancha and at the Home Office. He has also been legal counsel for the Ministry of Health for the Autonomous Community of Castile and León. He is member of several Boards of Directors of private and public companies.

He joined Iberdrola in 2004 and he is currently General Secretary and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Iberdrola, S.A. and member of the Boards of Directors of Avangrid**, Inc. and Neoenergia, S.A.



Sonsoles Rubio Reinoso

Chief Internal Audit and Risk Officer

Degree in Economics, and Business Sciences from Universidad Autónoma Madrid. Master's Degree in Insurance Management through ICEA, PDD through IESE. Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional, Certified in Risk Management Assurance and Leading Professional in Ethics & Compliance. She is the president of the Spanish Institute of Internal Auditors since June 2020.

She has spent most of her professional career working as internal auditor in companies such as Arthur Andersen, Repsol and Holcim (Spain), S.A. until she joined Iberdrola in March 2008 as Internal Audit Director at Iberdrola Renovables. In 2013, she was named Compliance Director, a position she held until March 2017, when she was named Internal Audit Director in Iberdrola Group.

She has been advisor in Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica (later named Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, S.A.) from 2012 until 2018 and in Avangrid from April 2019 until April 2020. She has published articles throughout her career and participated in different national and international conferences.



María Dolores Herrera Pereda

Chief Compliance Officer

Graduate in Law and Economic and Business Sciences from the Catholic Institute of Business Administration and Management (ICADE) of Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid, and Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional.

She has pursued her professional career at Arthur Andersen Asesores Legales y Tributarios (now Garrigues), Santander Investment and Banco Santander until she joined Iberdrola in 2004 as head of legal services in the Development area.

She has been a professor at Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE) in Madrid.




* Neoenergia, S.A. is 50% + 1 share indirectly owned by Iberdrola, S.A.

** Avangrid,Inc. is 81,50% owned by Iberdrola, S.A.