Hackers are experts, making them essential to companies threatened by ever-more-severe cybersecurity issues. These are the so-called ethical hackers or white hat hackers and they are employed to spot weaknesses and offer solutions.
More than 8 billion devices are connected to the Internet of Things — IoT — and this figure is set to triple in just three years. Objects will become smart and the world will undergo a fourth industrial revolution.
The IoT or Internet of Things is going to characterise our future. And Alicia Asín, CEO of Libelium, has much to say on the subject, because her company offers devices, such as the Waspmote Plug & Sense, that resolve problems of interoperability and maximise the possibilities offered by this technology in, for example, the development of smart cities.
Awards that do not exist, unbeatable job offers, products at prices too low... These are just a few examples of scams that circulate nowadays on the Internet. Would you know how to detect them?
A new wave of innovation is coming, which will not only change what we do, but who we are. The future will be defined by people who are capable of adopting new ways of working, sharing and collaborating.
The TV, fridge and even your coffee maker will be smart appliances. Virtual assistants will operate them according to your orders, helping you in many of the day-to-day tasks. Change is here and it will become a reality in a decade.